8 Ways to Practice Music Theory
1. Practice the note names.
One of the key aspects to music theory is being able to “talk the talk”. You need to be able to identify and name notes so that others can know what you are referring to. So while you don’t have to know the names of the note in order to play them, you will want to know the names so that you can hold an intelligent conversation about it.
2. Practice music rhythm notes and rests.
To be competent in music theory, you will definitely want to know and practice your music rhythms. Be able to identify a quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note, half note, dotted notes, and whole notes and rests. Then, practice tapping out different rhythms.
3. Practice basic music terms with flashcards.
It’s important to know the names of the symbols in the music and what they mean. If you ever run across a term or a symbol you don’t recognize or can’t name, then take the time to look it up.
4. Learn and practice scales.
Learning your scales is a fabulous way to practice your music theory. As you learn your scales, you learn your key signatures and what notes are in each scale.
5. Memorize key signatures.
Right along with practicing your scales, memorize those key signatures. The Circle of Fifths is a diagram that basically shows you all that there is to know with key signatures in one, very cool diagram.
6. Practice identifying chords and inversions.
Chords and scales are the building blocks of music. Knowing them, you will begin to understand music and where it comes from. Each song builds off of the building blocks of these chords and scales, and thus they are worth practicing!
7. Practice identifying intervals in your music.
Just as with chords, you can identify intervals in your music. As you do so, it will help you to play quicker and master the songs a little easier.
8. Practice ear training.
Ear training is an important part of practicing your music theory. Being able to identify when you are playing correctly and when you are not — just by listening to yourself, will help you a great deal in your development as a musician.
Practice ear training by identifying intervals. When you are in the car listening to the radio, see if you can identify what the intervals are in the music. One helpful way to do this is to compare the ear training you may already have built in.